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New Believable Story

What kind of baggage do you carry from your ancestors? 

Think about it for a minute. 

What kind of wars, struggles, deprivation, injuries, or isolation have those that have gone before you experienced? 

Families carry learned responses and fears. Sometimes it’s easy to connect those responses to the Great Depression, abuse, particular wars, starvation, etc. Have you been triggered by someone tossing out things without your permission, flinched from sudden movements or loud noises, gone into panic if pantry shelves are low, and then wondered if your response was out of proportion? 

Perhaps it is not entirely your response. We come with baggage that is both learned and genetic. We carry in our code the experiences of our past family. 

I bring this up because many people push, hate, and criticize themselves. And it puts them into fight, flight, or freeze. 

We cannot be in peace and create, when in this state of mind. 

What can be done about this? 

First forgive yourself and picture a believable new story.

For example:  I am dealing with fear of communicating. Where did it come from? Partly from my experience and partly from my ancestors. I can release the fear from myself and my ancestors then I can form a new story. How do you release it? There are many ways but the simplest is to breathe and let your mind show you the root experience. Let your mind flow till you see an important experience. Know that this experience is a pattern of what has happened in the past. Watch the experience from a new point of view, with love. See it from the point of view of your Savior, your mom, your friend. Write a new meaning for this experience. 

Now imagine a hammer demolishing all the fear inside you, then breathe it out. Do this till you start yawning. This is your body’s response showing you that it is shifting. 

Next fill your body with light that has new instructions that will show you a new pattern, new mantra, new belief. 

Repeat this in your mind and heart, love yourself. 

This is a gradual cumulative process. Over the years you can peel off the layers of the past and view all experience as love. 

Love is not permissiveness, love is not favoritism, love is truth and mercy. 

Tell yourself the truth, be kind, form a new pattern. 

Ask God to guide your journey. Then let go of all your issues, one at a time, and let go of the weight of the past. 




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The Resurrection Exhibit Opening Night!

May 5th, 2018 is the opening night of the Resurrection Exhibit!  It is being hosted by The Cottonwood Heights Arts Council at the new City Building, 2277 Bengal Blvd, Cottonwood Heights, UT. 

The exhibit will began on May 1st and run till the 31st.     

For the latest news and updates about the show click on the link and become part of our email list. 


The Resurrection Exhibit consists of art that is about and in support of addiction recovery.  Recovering addicts are welcome to submit artwork.  Organizations and Programs for addiction recovery are welcome to contact me and see how we can help each other.