When we reach step 10, we look in our hearts daily and ask “am I true?” Do I need to make additional restitution? True recovery requires diligence.
We see this hawk struggling to defend her nest. This time, no matter the cost she will make the right choice. And though she may become damaged as represented by the broken feathers, she is becoming stronger. When we continuously make the right choices it does not matter if we are mocked, or battered by the remnants of our old lives, we are resolute.
The silhouetted birds represent our old life, old friends, old habits that come back to haunt us. The moon is symbol of the peace of home and family. Side note: I made the moon like I see it, not how I see it in pictures. I have astigmatism and it always has a little halo around it that has bits of color. So although I am flawed by this astigmatism, I also has a little super power. Perhaps all of our own flaws can help us to see the world with more beauty? I know I am grateful for what I have been through, for I am stronger now because of the daily struggle – the daily accountability to the most important things in life. Heart, home, family, and God.
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